1. |
2. |
3. |
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5. |
6. |
14:30 – 14:45 |
E-Portfolio – Responsible and Active Way to Knowledge
Jasmina Velikanje |
Students like an astronauts on the International Space Station and geography lessons
Jure Radišek |
A lion in the classroom
Neli Mišvelj |
First-grade ecofreaks
Karla Koman |
Arguing a fictional text
Tatjana Hafner |
E-listovnik kot podpora razvoju samouravnavanja in samodiscipline – Izziv za razrednike v OŠ
Ines Celin in Tanja Rupnik Vec |
14:45 – 15:00 |
Enjoying Telečja pečenka (Roast Veal) in the company of Josip Jurčič
Maja Kosmač Zamuda |
Students make their first useful website
Nejc Grošelj |
For Formative Assessment! Yes to Goformative.com!
Sanja Leben Jazbec |
ICT at Lower Primary Classes
Suzana Vajngerl |
Collaborative learning with the help of LEGO robots
Maja Čelan |
How to choose the appropriate tool?
Maja Vičič Krabonja in Majda Poš Vrabl |
15:00 – 15:15 |
Home reading on Internet
Eva Traven |
Participation of students in interactive exhibition project “Good morning Mr. President”
Aleš Hvasti |
»Eggearning« – students teach with their own method
Ingrid Zupanc Brečko |
Brain training applications for children with special needs
Smiljana Valcl |
Participation in the programme FIRST LEGO League through the prism of responsible learning
Ivan Dović |
Formative assessment of development of digital competences with collaborative tools
Danijel Šic |
15:15 – 15:30 |
Suzana Oroz |
easelly.meme.voicethread – easy peasy
Vesna Gros |
The influence of ict technology on the students motivation to study
Valentina Mlakar |
Modern technology as a tool for formative assessment teaching ESL in primary education
Mojca Hojski |
Lets play school
Alenka Pokeržnik in Jadranka Čopi |
Self learning and the creation of knowledge with flipped learning
Tjašo Vlasak |
15:30 – 15:45 |
Tablets / mobile phones in math classroom
Breda Poličar |
Using FLL® approach for autonomous learning
Samo Lipovnik |
A different Shakspeare
Mojca Filipčič |
Lets go to a computer classroom
Darja Korpnik |
Microsoft Sway as Part of Formative Assessment in History lessons
Bojan Kašuba |
15:45 – 16:00 |
The use of language technologies in working with gifted pupils of the third triennial of primary school
Nataša Vršič |
Not all
Robert Grom |
Do we dare? Do we trust them?
Nataša Jeras |
Home reading through the Story Starter Lego Kit and Story Visualizer computer programme
Polona Miklavc |
Digital game Pre-Civilization at histiry lessons
Emica Škrinjar |
Developing of entrepreneurial skills as a 21st century competence
Polona Drenik Trop |
16:00 – 16:15 |
Formative assessment skills in chemistry
Andreja Rajh |
Repetition and consolidation with program ALICE
Mateja Slevec |
Example of activites in pre-school institution with the use of information communication technologies and profesional growth of pre-school teacher
Vesna Tofant |
Being creative with Storyjumper
Jasna Pitamic |
Individual work for more permanent knowledge
Urška Simnovčič Pišek |
Self-directed learning with Moodle
Tina Pintar in Breda Poličar |
16:15 – 16:30 |
From creating an e-book to foreign languages
Nina Bradica |
Learning and personality patterns PRST-patterns: get to know yourself and understand others
dr. Uroš Ocepek |
Forgotten games
Liljana Klobučar in Urška Bučar
Student of the month with the Class Dojo app
Petra Matkovič |
Mandalas + Talented Pupils = …
Aleksandra Vadnjal in Mojca Stergar |
Eight-graders learn with collaboration and cerating mathematical textual tasks
Martina Hren |
16:30 – 16.45 |
Model of solution for subjects of study with limited hardware and software
Milan Setničar |
English Language Learning in The Cloud 365 also in Kindergartens
Nataša Gobec in Nina Škoberne |
AnimaTera – innovative concept of puppet plays and learning games on the web for children from 2 to 10
Nika Dulmin in Miha Dulmin |
From awkward footprints to first steps into the world of different transversal skills at history
Špela Frantar |