Aleš Hvasti, Srednja tehniška šola Kranj

The article presents the participation of students in setting up an art exhibition. Andrej Koruza, the author of the exhibition, pictured a computer-aided interactive installation, whilst the students under the supervision of Luka Frelih and Aleš Hvasti assembled the entire hardware and wrote software required. The work was done in the form of a project where students have to show much of their own creativity and independent problem solving. Students of the 4-year Computer Science and Mechatronics Technician programs were chosen to participate in the project. They were faced with the technological equipment that is a part of their area of expertise, but they are not acquainted with it during the ordinary course of the learning process. Participation in an artistic exhibition for students accounted for a meeting with the external social environment, accompanied by the fact that with each day they are closer to the opening of the exhibition, where their work will be presented to the public. There were two basic objectives of the project. In the first place there was the wish that students participate in a specific project, and become familiar with the process design, execution, installation and subsequently the servicing of equipment, which had been installed. In doing so, they met with all the factors that are a part of such work, and that represented a valuable life experience. In addition, there was the artists desire to approach art to students of technical school programs. As a mentor I assisted in the selection and integration of hardware and advised students in writing software code. We actively cooperated with the author of the exhibition, taking into account his wishes and bring them to the level of technical performance. Students who participated in the project as a group acquired practical use of many skills and competencies that they had acquired during their education. In addition, they also gained experience in the field of team project work, in which they each played a role. The downside of such project is the fact that only a few chosen students can participate. The acquired knowledge will prove useful when they finish their schooling and start a job in various companies.