Suzana Oroz, OŠ Medvode

Mobile phones are prohibited in schools. Nonetheless, we can find and sometimes hear them in the students pockets. They secretly use them in the school hallways and on school outings. What if we make sure that they are usefully used for the learning purposes? Is it possible to learn something from using a mobile phone? Can we learn by watching videos on You Tube website? Modern times bring modern techniques and modern technology. Videotelling is a method of learning English, which was presented to the teachers of English as the second language at international conference of teachers and teachers of English (IATEFL) in 2014 by a Scottish professor Jamie Keddie This year he will publish the electronic book. On his website you can already find a lot of materials for teaching this method. We have been using videotelling in learning English for the last two years. We use it in classes eight and nine. We live in a time when most of us are constantly “connected” to the Internet. Students use smartphones, in addition to constantly checking the social networks, many also watch videos on the You Tube website. By videotellinga we tell others what we have seen. We describe a video to someone who has not seen it. This way, the time spent by students on the Internet is used for something useful, in this case for learning English. We develop all four skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening. I will present a few examples of learning this technique and talk about how and for what purpose it is used in learning English and how it affects cross-curricular connection with the optional multimedia object. In addition to the linguistic point of view it is useful to assess the technical execution of the recording and the knowledge of working with online tools that allow uploading and sharing videos. They learn how to upload images and videos safely. I will present how we use videotelling for learning a foreign language. We have been using this method for the second school year.