Mojca Hojski, OŠ Blanca

Developing ICT competences and taking over the responsibility for self-learning are crucial elements in the modern educational process. I wanted to show and make my pupils aware how they can learn individually and improve their learning process by using modern technology. With the use of a mobile phone I recorded the song for the first time already the first lesson when I only introduced it to my pupils. We agreed to watch the recording at out next lesson regarding and following the rules of cooperative learning so that we listen to each other, raise our hands when we want to speak and similar. At first I was a bit sceptical if this is going to work as young learners (age 6) may have difficulties staying focused and motivated for a longer period of time, but they pleasantly surprised me. They were focused while watching the recording, they critically assessed it and shared ideas for improvement. After watching the recording and listening to the pupils’ comments, I recorded them once more. This time the pupils had to follow their ideas for improvement. In the third lesson I showed them this recording and we established that their performance here is better than the first one. The pupils thus became motivated and wanted to improve even more so we agreed that they practice at home and that their parents (can) record them and they (can) bring this recording to school. We watched these recordings together and analysed them. The recorded pupils expressed their thoughts about the work and then the schoolmates critically assessed the recording as well. As mentioned the pupils were highly motivated, they wanted to improve their performance, paid more attention on the pronunciation, rhythm, choreography thus taking over responsibility for their self-learning and developing skills needed to use modern technology.