Vesna Gros, OŠ Polje

My workshop aims to present three utterly different ICT tools, which I use in my English classes. Easelly is a tool to create infographics, Memegenerator is my right-hand assistant for creating memes, and Voicethread a web application with help of which students create presentations combined with audio clips for the purpose of the national English language competition in the 7th grade of primary school. Thus, students become ICT creators and have a lot of fun while working in teams. They find themselves immersed in a different approach to learning, acquiring new language as well as ICT skills in the process. Memes offer them an opportunity to transform themselves in critical thinkers, the so-called philosoraptors, and give constructive feedback to their peers, write a film or book review or just post a witty remark or two. The participants of my workshop will get the opportunity to learn how to use all three tools. I wish to prove that everyone can start using them instantly without prior knowledge with a little help of my secret tips. Students will love it and increase in motivation is guaranteed.