Samo Petrič, Osnovna šola Šmartno pod Šmarno goro  

The sport is certainly a special subject in the schedule of each pupil. Even just running to the gym, dressing up, louder talking and laughing, says it all. The pupils understand the sport as a relaxation, fun, play, socializing … but certainly not as sitting and listening to the theory. Yet its not all that easy. Unfortunately, the curriculum for sport provides the conquest of certain theoretical knowledge. The guidelines, when, how much and how they convey to the pupils are huge. But when it actually comes down to that moment, we find each other on different banks. The sighing, rolling eyes, and different comments are a permanent fixture at the time of lessons. Theoretical knowledge is communicated with the interpretation or the poster, but I found out that words are not enough. It is necessary to take a step forward. Dull interpretation theory apparently does not apply anymore. Recently, when I was explaining the basic rules of football to the pupils, some of them said that they currently play at home a video game with the same rules. We came up with the idea that the rules of the football can be explained in the case of the video game. We made a plan with the pupils to record their playing video game at home and recording was then analyzed at school with software for editing movies. Our final result is useful e-learning material, which will help both pupils and me as a teacher. The main objective, which I have set for myself was to get across to pupils through the media that is close to and attracts them. In addition to the fun, we can use video games in a modified form in school, in the classroom, for learning. I make so the theoretical content for the pupils more understandable, attractive and interesting. Already during the formation of e-learning materials, the pupils acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge of the sport. Due to the clearly displayed contents, learning is easier and faster, and more effective achievement of the objectives. The work is so oriented to the pace of each individual pupil and temporal and spatial unlimited. The integration of e-learning materials in the learning process can contribute to a better understanding and making sense of theoretical learning contents and consequently to higher motivation of the pupils. The added didactic value of the newly created video with greater dynamics, animations and interactive elements, thus creating more efficient and more stimulating learning environment. Disadvantages, which I currently see are certainly a reduction in the intensity of the exercise, lack of time and a novelty on which pupils need to get used to it and also accept it.