Maja Jelenko, Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana, Ljubljana

We wanted pupils to be in eTwinning projects. We included the 3rd and 5th graders. Within the project we went to the Presidential Palace and to visit President of Slovenia, Mr Borut Pahor. Since the peer collaboration proved to be an excellent idea the cooperation continued also in classes. 5th graders have prepared a PowerPoint presentation of Slovenia (points of interest, geographic features, history) and presented to 3th graders. We expected some problems with pupils, because of their specific problems (speech and language disorders, autism, deafness). They are children with special needs and they have problems with communication, public speaking, attention and concentration. All fears were pointless. Older pupils performed their work with confidence and younger pupils listened very carefully. As feedback on given learning material, the 5th graders made in internet aplication a quiz named Kahoot. Quiz took place in the computer classroom. Despite the fact that not all the 3rd graders have skills in computer, we had no problems. The results were very good. In this activity pupils were not just passive recipients of knowledge, but they build knowledge and skills through interaction with the environment. This was win – win for both sides, for pupils that tought and for pupils who were thougt.