Mateja Frece, Osnovna šola Dobje, Dobje

The article is a part of the Open learning theme section. After all, learners were able to construct the script of the class event whenever they wanted and wherever they wanted. All they needed were a computer or a smart device, a Cloud account and a web connection. The teacher was only a moderator in case of trouble. There is a lack of time to create events that have both educational and moral value. One of them was made by the 5th graders at the end of the school year. I needed only a minute to explain the children about the document in the Cloud that was available to all of us. After the instructions for making a script were given, children were obliged to write as many different options they thought of in the Cloud. In this way several ideas were brought together. Students could add ideas at home and at the same time the ideas were available to all users, including the teacher. Later on the teacher helped them to improve the script by giving suggestions and comments and putting them in the collaboration space. They also talked about it at school in the class. Activity like this encouraged learners to show their innovativeness and inventiveness, besides they also had to write complete and grammatically correct sentences. After the script had been improved, learners built a presentation in Power Point and put it in the collaboration space. After the event learners made a short summary of the happening in Sway. The method described above is an innovative way of working for both – teachers and learners. It is useful for a teacher because preparation of class events is not an intended event. But it is also useful for children because they can insert ideas at any time they want, they can also evaluate their work and meanwhile they work with Microsoft tools.