Biserka Stanković, Osnovna šola Belokranjskega odreda Semič

Intergenerational learning has played an imporant part throughout all my teaching career since I strongly consider it a tool for successful learning and personal deveIopement. Belokranjskega odreda Semič Primary School has been organizing European Cultural Heritage Week for a number of years ; through intergenerational interaction pupils research and highlight cutural heritage of their hometown and are able to nurture and perpetuate the experience. I will present this years theme Holidays and Festivals, where third grade pupils did a research in open learning environment on the Feast of St. Martin celebrations in Bela Krajina. Firstly, pupils looked for anectodes, proverbs, customs about St. Martin and typical dishes for St. Martins day via the internet. Bert invited his grandfather Martin and his grandfather Martina to school and they talked about how they celabrated their names day. Tanja used her smartphone to videotape an old names day song sung by her grandmother and some village women. The lyrics were written down, learned by heart and sung together with grandfather Martin playing his accordion. At Berts farm, his mother and I prepered a congratulation sketch with two different traditional wishes. A boy and his grandfather were woken up from their beds made of straw and the congratulations were recited to them. Throughout the entire learning process KWL learning strategy was used. All activities were photographed, a Power Point presentation and a booklet were made, a scenario was written down. Together with grandfather Martin third grade pupils prepared a performance at the Cultural Hall in Semič. A video created in Picasa was also shown.