Sonja Strgar in Katarina Šulin, Osnovna šola Vide Pregarc, Ljubljana

Secure internet content can take place as a science day as a form of open learning for students in 6th grade. Why? Students developed the ability to argue the given argument on the basis of discussions of the Internet. Options were formed in groups, groups formed and presented consensus which represented the entire group. It was important that the students were open to diversity of opinion. They were included, depending on their own experience. They also took into account the importance of individual. Then they independently investigated web sites on a chosen topic in the computer lab. Students chose the content and they included them in the activities of their choice. Using unknown applications they created their own comic book on the topic my identity and security online. They produced a short movie about social networks and made a leaflet which talks about preventing maltreatment online. Finally, they compiled a quiz for classmates and created pictograms from the selected content. The methods of implementation were chosen by students and by doing that they learned about ICT tools. As the students worked independently, the teacher was involved by providing advice and guidance. Thus, students could develop their interpersonal relationships. The objectives of the activities were: learning about pitfalls of the Internet, an appropriate action in the case of abuse, learning about the different online environments, the use of ICT in everyday life, promoting innovation, cooperation and the search for solutions. Such an approach is very interesting for the students. It turned out that the children were very innovative in finding programs which can be used not only in the school purposes but also in the free time. Students were not just passive recipients of knowledge. They have built the knowledge and skills and they presented their work to the classmates. Learning environment and the time limit did not constitute a restriction. Just the opposite – an independent learning in the context of school activities is the basis for the use of the technological environment in everyday life.