Erika Rejec, Osnovna šola Muta, Muta 

Contribution I placed it in the assembly: Learning student hands in order to show how students through sports and new online tools NearPod consolidate the recovered substance in Slovenian (verb, time form (present tense, past tense, future tense), the person, number, production mental attitude or disposition record points) and learn new (description sports – ground), without realizing it. This was the prelude to deal with a new set: Skiing – skiing is not just sport, but also fun. Students have two hours of very active. Overcoming site and are trying as soon as possible to draw up a strike linked to sport. Groups even compete who will soon carry out a task. When I resumed the next hour classes in the computer lab, students were enthusiastic about the work, because they can see the new online tool, and through “for them to play” consolidate the recovered substance. Pupils me after class to say that it was great and they want more of such hours. Keywords: cross-curricular integration, sports activities, verb, a description of the sport, mindset / text NearPod. The ability of pupils to work independently and learning in my opinion, the key to the pupils progress . Of course, this does not happen overnight , but it is a lengthy process that we have teachers constantly nurtured and deepened . The teachers work is not limited to the transfer and expression of some data , but also has the ability to activate learners to adopt knowledge in an unconventional way beyond the classic class . If a teacher wants to be successful, it must have a wide range of skills , not only teaching , but also the general human . Must be able to approach the students listen to them and prepare them for independence to be themselves they expressed a desire for new knowledge and the use of new technologies and programs . Especially welcome is the work of the ICT technology as students are close and work proficient and innovative. Important is that older teachers are trusted to be closer to children on their way . Only such work today can be successful.