Avtor: Alma Ahmetović | Okt 4, 2016 | Nerazvrščeno
Biserka Stanković, Osnovna šola Belokranjskega odreda Semič Intergenerational learning has played an imporant part throughout all my teaching career since I strongly consider it a tool for successful learning and personal deveIopement. Belokranjskega odreda Semič...
Avtor: Alma Ahmetović | Okt 4, 2016 | Nerazvrščeno
Maja Jelenko, Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana, Ljubljana We wanted pupils to be in eTwinning projects. We included the 3rd and 5th graders. Within the project we went to the Presidential Palace and to visit President of Slovenia, Mr Borut Pahor. Since the peer...
Avtor: Alma Ahmetović | Okt 4, 2016 | Nerazvrščeno
Katja Koprivnikar, Zavod za gluhe in naglušne Ljubljana, Ljubljana The theme of getting to know Slovenias capital city Ljubljana, where our school is situated, has been a great opportunity to broaden our learning environment outside the classroom and to enrich the...
Avtor: Alma Ahmetović | Okt 4, 2016 | Nerazvrščeno
Mira Gujt, Srednja ekonomska šola Maribor, Maribor In the time when ICT using is necessary, I notice that there are less and less children, who are included in the middle school education and have insufficient knowledge of forming of different Word documents, such as:...
Avtor: Alma Ahmetović | Okt 4, 2016 | Nerazvrščeno
Tatjana Lubej, Osnovna šola Janka Glazerja Ruše, Ruše Integration of three courses (German, natural sciences and home economics) was the basic guidance at the planning of the unit Spaghetti with tomato sauce. That was also the reason, that the work took place at...
Avtor: Alma Ahmetović | Okt 4, 2016 | Nerazvrščeno
Sabina Kavšek, Osnovna šola Brinje Grosuplje, Grosuplje Students today are skilful in using all various digital tools and most of them want to travel the world and look beyond the Slovenian Border. I am a mentor of the international exchange project between the...