Avtor: SIRikt | Sep 26, 2016 | Handing Over Learning to Learners, Programm, Thursday
Tina Pintar in Breda Poličar, Gimnazija Poljane, Ljubljana Virtual classroom Moodle can be an efficient aid to the students with their self-directed learning. It is constantly available, students can adapt the pace of learning and thus they become more independent...
Avtor: SIRikt | Sep 26, 2016 | Handing Over Learning to Learners, Programm, Thursday
Urška Simnovčič Pišek, Gimnazija Litija In today’s teachings we can’t avoid using modern technology any longer. Students are using this technology on every step they make so it seems purposeful to use their knowledge, motivation and learning and focus it into the...
Avtor: SIRikt | Sep 26, 2016 | Handing Over Learning to Learners, Programm, Thursday
Jasna Pitamic, OŠ Dušana Flisa, Hoče In the project A vertically aligned development of digital competences of all pupils at OŠ Dušana Flisa Hoče we have focused on developing digital competences in a vertical way. In the first educational period students should be...
Avtor: SIRikt | Sep 26, 2016 | Handing Over Learning to Learners, Programm, Thursday
Vesna Tofant, Vrtec Šentjur The fact that a computer has become a part of our everyday life can not be changed or denied. Children are constantly exposed to ICT technology. In my opinion, the primary role of educational institutions is to present this technology in...
Avtor: SIRikt | Sep 26, 2016 | Handing Over Learning to Learners, Programm, Thursday
Mateja Slevec, OŠ Marije Vere, Kamnik Educational didactic games are appropriate for children of all ages regardless of their prior knowledge. With thoughtful preparation and use of didactic games pupils are usually more motivated, attentive and show a greater...