Sliding to share

Erika Grosar, Osnovna šola Solkan I am going to present the idea of open learning in the framework of the international project Sliding to share. Learning has moved beyond the walls of the classrooms into the school neighbourhood and the hometown, and with the support...

Math tasks for hours replacement

Miha Simončič, Srednja tehniška in poklicna šola Trbovlje, Trbovlje  In school we have some days replacements. If math teacher isn´t at school that day, we can use this web tasks for math. It is not important wich teacher is in class. He or Her only need this tasks...

Online frauds

Marta Štefanič, Arnes, SI-CERT,  Ljubljana The internet seems to be speeding away from us; at least that is the impression you get from a brief glimpse at the statistics of incidents from SI-CERT, slovenian computer emergency response team. In 2015, for the first time...