The birth of the Data-Philosophers
Schools in the 21st Century are data rich; the emergence of new, more efficient technologies have made collecting and collating this data more accessible and more desirable. But how much of this data do we actually use? How do we turn all this information into new knowledge? and most importantly of all how can we use this information to improve the outcomes for our pupils? Damian McBeath is Headteacher of Ark Conway, one of the most successful UK schools and described by the ex-secretary of state Nicky Morgan as ‘an engine of social justice’ giving children in Acton (London) the best possible start to life.’ Her predecessor Michael Gove “ARK Conway has demonstrated how a brilliant school, with a culture of high expectations, great leadership and inspiring teachers can be truly excellent across the board within two years.” With practical examples and insights in this talk, Damian will give examples of how the schools thirst for knowledge about every child and obsession for detail has led to his staff being described as ‘data-philosophers’ and how the information gathered has led a school in a London Housing estate to become the highest performing school nationally for the last 3 years.
Damian McBeath is the Regional Director of Primary (London Cluster) for Ark and is Executive Headteacher of Ark Conway and Ark Bentworth. He was the founding Headteacher of Ark Conway, which was the first free school to be awarded ‘Outstanding’ status by Ofsted and has subsequently achieved the highest KS1 results nationally. In 2014, Damian was named by the Education Foundation as one of their Educational Reformers of the year ‘for inspiring and collegiate leadership and nationally acknowledged achievement for pupils in a new school.’
Damian is a strong advocate for a College of Teaching, and has dedicated a great deal of time into developing a strong reflective staff team committed to embracing innovation and challenging the status quo.
He is the Chair of the Ark Schools Teacher Training Steering Group and the Ark Schools Headteachers forum but above all a teacher.
Damian is a keen musician and has a love of performing arts. He is the proud father of two rather wonderful little baby girls.