Patricija Veldin, Gimnazija Kranj, Kranj
I will present you a project of gymnasium students, who are from the school year 2013/2014 involved in the project Innovative pedagogy 1: 1. Their teaching and learning differs from traditional methods of work, because we use tablets or smartphones. The students are preparing for the next academic year (2016/2017) a workshop for primary school pupils, who will attend the Open Day. With application Learning Designer they will drew up the curriculum and allocate the tasks for pupils, who will perform with mentors. We know from experience that the Open Day attended by ninthgraders, so the theme of the workshop will be comparison of the first and second world wars. This project will strengthen ICT knowledge and upgrade skills of the 21st century, because their role of students in the context of modern approaches to teaching and learning changes from the first year onwards. The students with this project took responsibility for carrying out workshop, theme and working methods were selected by agreement between the students. The purpose of the workshop is to display ICT technology to pupils and work with a variety of historical sources and applications. Pupils would with own experience of finding and selecting credible historical sources, analysis the data and production mindset learn new skills. Students choose application Xmind, because they concluded that it probably also know the elementary school, however, they prepared learning plan Xmind use applications. Students were divided into three groups for one of the 3 tasks: to familiarize with the app Learning Designer and planning workshop with its aid; choice questions to compare the first and second world war; Plan works with application Xmind and planning presentations of work with the application Xmind. My task was to advise in the design and selection of questions, most of the work students have done themselves. Each group presented their findings and solutions, followed by interviews and making a plan workshop. Students are to design proved self-initiative and high motivation. Between them they communicate and collaborate, and take interesting solutions. The disadvantage is always the time devoted to the learning process.