Programme Thursday: Handing Over Learning to Learners

Handing Over Learning to Learners, educational start-up

Thursday, 6. 10. 2016

14:30 – 17:00


  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
14:30 – 14:45 E-Portfolio – Responsible and Active Way to Knowledge
Jasmina Velikanje
Students like an astronauts on the International Space Station and geography lessons
Jure Radišek
A lion in the classroom
Neli Mišvelj
First-grade ecofreaks
Karla Koman
Arguing a fictional text
Tatjana Hafner
E-listovnik kot podpora razvoju samouravnavanja in samodiscipline – Izziv za razrednike v OŠ
Ines Celin in Tanja Rupnik Vec
14:45 – 15:00 Enjoying Telečja pečenka (Roast Veal) in the company of Josip Jurčič
Maja Kosmač Zamuda
Students make their first useful website
Nejc Grošelj
For Formative Assessment! Yes to!
Sanja Leben Jazbec
ICT at Lower Primary Classes
Suzana Vajngerl
Collaborative learning with the help of LEGO robots
Maja Čelan
How to choose the appropriate tool?
Maja Vičič Krabonja in Majda Poš Vrabl
15:00 – 15:15 Home reading on Internet 
Eva Traven
Participation of students in interactive exhibition project “Good morning Mr. President”
Aleš Hvasti
»Eggearning« – students teach with their own method
Ingrid Zupanc Brečko
Brain training applications for children with special needs
Smiljana Valcl
Participation in the programme FIRST LEGO League through the prism of responsible learning
Ivan Dović
Formative assessment of development of digital competences with collaborative tools
Danijel Šic
15:15 – 15:30 Videotelling
Suzana Oroz – easy peasy
Vesna Gros
The influence of ict technology on the students motivation to study
Valentina Mlakar
Modern technology as a tool for formative assessment teaching ESL in primary education
Mojca Hojski
Lets play school
Alenka Pokeržnik in Jadranka Čopi
Self learning and the creation of knowledge with flipped learning
Tjašo Vlasak
15:30 – 15:45 Tablets / mobile phones in math classroom
Breda Poličar
Using FLL® approach for autonomous learning
Samo Lipovnik
  A different Shakspeare
Mojca Filipčič
Lets go to a computer classroom
Darja Korpnik
Microsoft Sway as Part of Formative Assessment in History lessons
Bojan Kašuba
15:45 – 16:00 The use of language technologies in working with gifted pupils of the third triennial of primary school
Nataša Vršič
Not all
Robert Grom
Do we dare? Do we trust them?
Nataša Jeras
Home reading through the Story Starter Lego Kit and Story Visualizer computer programme
Polona Miklavc
Digital game Pre-Civilization at histiry lessons
Emica Škrinjar
Developing of entrepreneurial skills as a 21st century competence
Polona Drenik Trop
16:00 – 16:15 Formative assessment skills in chemistry
Andreja Rajh
Repetition and consolidation with program ALICE
Mateja Slevec
Example of activites in pre-school institution with the use of information communication technologies and profesional growth of pre-school teacher
Vesna Tofant
Being creative with Storyjumper
Jasna Pitamic
Individual work for more permanent knowledge
Urška Simnovčič Pišek
Self-directed learning with Moodle
Tina Pintar in Breda Poličar
16:15 – 16:30 From creating an e-book to foreign languages
Nina Bradica
Learning and personality patterns PRST-patterns: get to know yourself and understand others
dr. Uroš Ocepek
Forgotten games 
Liljana Klobučar in Urška Bučar
Student of the month with the Class Dojo app
Petra Matkovič
Mandalas + Talented Pupils = …
Aleksandra Vadnjal in Mojca Stergar
Eight-graders learn with collaboration and cerating mathematical textual tasks
Martina Hren
16:30 – 16.45   Model of solution for subjects of study with limited hardware and software
Milan Setničar
English Language Learning in The Cloud 365 also in Kindergartens
Nataša Gobec in Nina Škoberne
AnimaTera – innovative concept of puppet plays and learning games on the web for children from 2 to 10
Nika Dulmin in Miha Dulmin
From awkward footprints to first steps into the world of different transversal skills at history
Špela Frantar